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The Cultural Evolution Society's Online Learning Series

Cultural Evolution Society's Online Learning Series

Contact Information for Module Designers

Title: Models of Social Dynamics: An Introductory Module
Contact: Paul E. Smaldino, Cognitive and Information Sciences, University of California, Merced
Email: [email protected]

Title: Animal Cultures: Core Discoveries and New Horizons
Contact: Andy Whiten, Psychology and Neuroscience, University of St Andrews, UK
Email: [email protected]

Title: The Neverending Story: Cultural Evolution and Narratives
Contact: Joseph Stubbersfield, Psychology Department, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Email: [email protected]

Title: Foundations of Cultural Evolution
Contact: Adrian Viliami Bell, Department of Anthropology, University of Utah
Email: [email protected]

Title: Modeling the Dynamics of Cultural Diversification
Contact: Bernard Koch, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles
Email: [email protected]

These online teaching modules are sponsored by the Cultural Evolution Society and the Center for the Dynamics of Social Complexity through the generous support of the John Templeton Foundation.

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